Very recently I read about the nudge theory which impacts the behavior of Individuals . The theory in simple terms means "Small activities or triggers can influence behavior of individuals or collective group" For example a simple LED directional arrows in walking path can direct humans to walk in a straight line in a much crowded environment . This shall have significant impact in crowd management etc. To know more on nudge theory please visit CLICK HERE FOR NUDGE THEORY . As founder of CBHR - Chennai Beyond HR - An initiative to take HR Beyond Organisations , an initiative was taken for road discipline to make a statement that HRs can do beyond organisations and make small impacts. The first meeting for this year was organised on 16-06-2018 and we had CBHR members participating in it. To know more about CBHR first meeting and details please visit CLICK HERE As a first step we have launched this CAR stickers which shall be pasted on the ca...
This blog will give ideas about what is Branding and how some global companies have suceeded by branding. It will also share views on branding techniques and how to position the product in the mind space of a customer etc. Also helps in sharing views of various marketing gurus opinions about different branding and positioning concepts.It will also analyse different recent attractive commercials and share views on Indian Advertising.