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Showing posts from 2018

CBHR- HR on the Roads - Our First Initiative

Very recently I read about the nudge theory which impacts the behavior of Individuals . The theory in simple terms means  "Small activities or triggers can influence behavior of individuals or collective group" For example a simple LED directional arrows in walking path can direct humans to walk in a straight line in a much crowded environment . This shall have significant impact in crowd management etc. To know more on nudge theory please visit  CLICK HERE FOR NUDGE THEORY . As founder of CBHR - Chennai Beyond HR - An initiative to take  HR Beyond Organisations ,  an initiative  was taken for road discipline to make a statement that HRs can do beyond organisations and make small impacts. The first meeting for this year was organised on 16-06-2018 and we had CBHR members participating in it. To know more about CBHR first meeting and details please visit  CLICK HERE As a first step we have launched this CAR stickers which shall be pasted on the ca...